Upton Finance Introduction

Upton Finance: The Stablecoin Yield Layer of Telegram Ecosystem

Upton Finance is the Stablecoin Yield Layer of Telegram ecosystem. The mission is to enable 900M Telegram users to enjoy high-yield stablecoin financial services, achieving true financial equality.

📌 Core Concepts: CDP + Stablecoin + CeDeFi + TG Game

  • Market Leader: Top #1 in Telegram CDP stablecoin sector, backed by TON Foundation.

  • Yield Mechanism: 10%+ stablecoin APY yield, backed by CeDeFi strategy.

  • TG DeFi Game: Uses Telegram games to attract over 1 million active on-chain users, significantly boosting TVL.

  • Founding team from MIT, Tsinghua, UBS, Tencent, Byte Dance, and hedge funds. Professional in Finance and CS, with 3+ years of crypto entrepreneurial experience together.

Problem to Solve

  • Locked Liquidity: Many users holding mainstream assets on the TON chain, such as TON, face reduced liquidity when holding these assets. Without liquidating them, users cannot freely access or utilize their assets for other financial opportunities, limiting their flexibility and the utility of their holdings.

  • Lack of Stablecoin Yield: The 900 million Telegram users lack access to high-yield deposit services. A significant portion of their funds, especially in USDT, remain idle and do not generate sufficient returns. Unlike WeChat, which offers money market fund products like Yu'E Bao to its users, Telegram’s ecosystem lacks an equivalent solution. As Telegram’s user base and ecosystem continue to grow, the absence of a robust, high-yield savings product for these idle funds becomes a critical gap, leaving users without an effective means to grow their stablecoin assets.

Upton Finance Solution

  • Unlocking Collateral Liquidity with USDtg

  • Providing High-Yield Savings with USDton

  • Gamification for Enhanced User Engagement: Users can engage with our Telegram mini-games, which currently boast over 600,000 active players. These games are designed not only for entertainment but also serve as a powerful funnel to our financial services. Within the game interface, users are seamlessly guided to stake $USDT on the Upton Finance protocol, earning an attractive APY of 10%. This integration of gamification significantly boosts our Total Value Locked (TVL), leveraging our extensive user base to enhance both user interaction and investment engagement. This strategy effectively transforms player activity into financial growth, making our offering exceptionally appealing to the Telegram community.

$UPTON Tokenomics

  • $UPTON Overview: $UPTON is the governance token of the Upton Finance platform, with a total supply of 21 million tokens on the TON blockchain.

  • Earn $UPTON Airdrops through TG Gaming!

    • 🔥 Come play and claim $UPTON Airdrops: https://t.me/uptonfi_bot

    • 🪩Invite your friends to earn $UPTON like crazy! The more friends you invite, the more $UPTON you earn!🩷

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

  1. Market Leader: Top #1 in Telegram CDP stablecoin sector, backed by TON Foundation.

  2. Yield Mechanism: 10%+ stablecoin APY yield, backed by CeDeFi strategy.

  3. TG DeFi Game: Uses Telegram games to attract over 1 million active on-chain users, significantly boosting TVL.

  4. Founding team from MIT, Tsinghua, UBS, Tencent, Byte Dance, and hedge funds. Professional in Finance and CS, with 3+ years of crypto entrepreneurial experience together.

Contact Information

  • Telegram DeFi Game: https://t.me/uptonfi_bot

  • Whitepaper: https://docs.uptonfi.com/

  • Website: https://www.uptonfi.com/

  • Twitter: https://x.com/upton_fi

  • Channel: https://t.me/uptonfinance

  • BD Contact: https://t.me/marshmallowq12

Last updated